The Mandalorian: Episode Four

The Mandalorian is a new series from Disney set in the Star Wars universe, available exclusively with a subscription to Disney Plus, the new streaming service from Disney that launched on 11/12/19. In case you missed them, please see my thoughts on Episode OneEpisode Two, and Episode Three.

In the event that you don't want to be spoiled for this episode (or even one of the earlier episodes), please stop reading now until you catch up. You've been warned!

Oh my gawd, you guise: there are now like, six whole ladies in this universe and I can't even handle it. How dare females of the species exist, let alone actually have speaking roles and do things that manly mens should be doing instead?!

Joking aside (I know, internet nerds aren't joking about having women in this show, but their opinions shouldn't count), I am loving The Mandalorian, and I find myself wanting to just skip ahead a couple of months so I can watch all the episodes back to back. However, and I can't believe I'm saying this, that might actually hinder my enjoyment of the show. Allow me to explain.

This show isn't a typical serial. Yes, it's connected and flows pretty well together since it's a continuous story. However, each episode also feels self contained and has a clearly defined beginning and end. They each have their own stakes, and feel weighty. It feels like if they were binged back to back it would remove that weight and cheapen the experience. As Shinigami said the other day,  this Star Wars is not a space opera, or a western, or a samurai story, it's a big 80's/90's adventure show with a giant budget.

Hands down my favorite part of Episode Four is when The Child and The Mandalorian are in his ship, and The Child flips a random switch and shuts something off. The Mandalorian quickly turns it back on with a sigh. The Child then hits another switch which causes a whirring noise. The Mandalorian switches it off and snaps, "Stop touching things." To which The Child stares directly at The Mandalorian while he reaches over and flips yet another switch. If you don't have kids, this probably is just a funny moment, but I know through personal experience that kids are willfully disobedient like this to test their limits. And it just kills me every time, even though I've seen it at least four times now.

Anyway, the main story of this episode is that The Mandalorian arrives at a "real backwater skug hole" of a planet hoping to lie low. Unfortunately, there's another freelancer already here, a former Alliance shock-trooper (Gina Carano, looking and being absolutely badass. She's got a teardrop tattoo of the Rebel insignia and now I want one, too) who first kicks his ass and then teams up with him to take down an old Imperial AT-ST walker that's been appropriated by some marauders and is terrorizing the local farmers. The Mandalorian can't relax, though, because another Guild hunter shows up with a tracking fob and nearly blows The Child away. So it's off into the wild blue yonder again for our hero and his adorable kiddo.

Have you seen The Mandalorian and want to talk about it? Post a comment and let me know if you ovulate every time The Child is on screen, too. As always, have a great day!


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